A tiny penguin encountered a gigantic snowball.
Penguin: “Biggest snowball in the world! I wish you were a huge cookie.”
Snowball: “I AM a cookie! A cookie made of frozen water.”
Penguin: “Then you’re not a cookie but a drink.” [Read more…]
A tiny penguin encountered a gigantic snowball.
Penguin: “Biggest snowball in the world! I wish you were a huge cookie.”
Snowball: “I AM a cookie! A cookie made of frozen water.”
Penguin: “Then you’re not a cookie but a drink.” [Read more…]
These are not supposed to be unicorn fish, but narwhals, and they really have such a horn. However, the horn is actually a gigantic tooth. Nature is full of wonders!
I suspect most of the unicorns that used to gallop around here eventually got fed up, jumped into the sea, and evolved into narwhals (or into crabs, as many animals become crabs over time). Other unicorns stayed on land and evolved into rhinoceroses. Or into land crabs.
I’ve read that all sorts of animals tend to evolve into crabs over time. It’s possible to prove that with the following experiment:
1. Throw a few fish or elephants or cookies into the sea.
2. Wait a few million years.
3. Take a look.
The odds are that they all will have evolved into crabs.
Maybe that’s slightly exaggerated, but in principle, it works just like that. I think. I mostly drew stick figures in my biology class instead of paying attention.
There is hardly any space in the bodies of heyokyay stick figures. Therefore, organs such as the heart or the stomach hang around outside the body.
The brain actually fits nicely into the head. But most of the time, it’s just not there, mentally and physically. Sometimes it gets into arguments with the heart about who’s being more irrational.
When it’s raining, all organs are folded and stowed away in the head. (That’s why the characters have such big heads.) Of course, every head can be opened at the top.